Welcome to the 2025 Conference!

For our conference this year, we look forward to welcoming management staff who work across the perioperative continuum; connecting staff from the public and private sectors and specialty clinics, throughout New Zealand, to Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland.

For the 2025 Annual conference, we have chosen a theme for our time; ‘Embrace Change’. The conference will be held at The Grand Millennium hotel, in the heart of the city.

The conference goal is to examine what this means for everyone in the perioperative environment. We are now moving towards a united workforce - an interdisciplinary model, where there will no longer be separate entities.  Rather, we will be working together as one – and this will include all people involved in delivering healthcare and surgery.

We have to embrace this new direction and we have to make it work.  The conference will bring all managers, practitioners and educators together in the perioperative environment.

We look forward to welcoming you to Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland.

Kathi Lee
Conference convenor

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Early Bird Deadline:
21 March 2025

This Year's Conference will be held in
